Car left suspended in mid air outside parking lot

Car left suspended in mid air outside parking lot

This cannot be the worst thing that has happened as a new driver, but it certainly isn't the best thing...

A vehicle dangles off the side of a building in Ibiza Town
A vehicle dangles off the side of a building in Ibiza Town/Instagram Screenshot/Ibizatheisland

Getting your driver's licence is a milestone for many drivers and a memory that sticks with you. 

But we cannot imagine what kind of memories this new driver will have after getting involved in a unique and dangerous accident inside a parking lot in Ibiza Town

Attaining your driver's licence gives a driver the confidence to want to get behind the wheel of a vehicle. Still, this traumatic incident might've sent this driver off the side of a building, so we are uncertain how she feels about driving at present. 

When another vehicle appeared, the driver was trying to manoeuvre inside the parking lot. In an attempt to allow the car to pass, the driver hit her accelerator instead of her brakes. This caused the vehicle to move backwards and smash through the wall of the third floor. 

The car was left dangling off the side of the building. Thankfully, emergency services arrived promptly, and no one was hurt. 

Ibiza Town is known as a party island, so many people took to social media to share snippets of the car sticking out of the building. The video confused many about how this accident occurred as it looks like something out of a 'Fast and the Furious' movie. 

Check out the video below - courtesy of Instagram

It's no joke what happened here, and one driver in Durban lost his life after his car plunged out of a shopping centre in Overport, Durban in June 2024. 

Please be safe out there.

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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