Check out this video of a man driving without a steering wheel

Check out this video of a man driving without a steering wheel

A literal definition of simply using a vehicle as a way get you from point A to point B...

A man driving a car with missing doors and parts
A man driving a car with missing doors and parts/Instagram Screenshot/@whistlesports

Vehicle roadworthiness has always been an issue on South Africa's roads. However, we are just one country that faces this problem. 

Driving a vehicle that dots all the I's and crosses all the T's is only a priority for some motorists, as it should be. But what these drivers don't understand is that it's all good to drive a vehicle you think is providing you a service, but what happens when that vehicle causes danger to you and those around you?   

A video of a man driving a car that looks like it might fall apart or turn into a transformer has left us wide-eyed. 

We are uncertain where this video was taken, but it looks like it was shot somewhere in South America, as some of the comments on the video look like Spanish

The man is seated in the driver's seat of a vehicle with no doors, no dashboard, and most of the parts that make it a car appear missing. However, the car's mechanics are still in order because he is in traffic. Shockingly, he holds a pliers as a steering wheel. 

In South Africa, it is the driver's responsibility to have your vehicle tested for roadworthiness. 

"If your motor vehicle is used for public transport or is a heavy-load vehicle (excluding buses), you must take it to be tested for roadworthiness every year before you renew the motor vehicle licence. A bus must be tested for roadworthiness every six months." (SA Govt website)

Watch the video below - courtesy of Instagram

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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