Chef learns why she shouldn't check her phone in the kitchen

Chef learns why she shouldn't check her phone in the kitchen

It's better not to check your phone while working in the kitchen and still have a fully functional phone than to check and be disappointed...

A woman working in a restaurant kitchen takes her phone out
A woman working in a restaurant kitchen takes her phone out/Instagram Screenshot/@chef_h07

Most employees are not allowed to use their phones while working. When people use their phones, they become distracted and do not focus on their work. 

If you work in a demanding job that requires your full attention, distractions could be detrimental, if not dangerous. Can you imagine a pilot checking his phone constantly, or how uneasy you get when you see a driver checking his phone while trying to steer? 

A woman working in an eatery's kitchen checked her phone briefly, and things went south. 

She looks like she is frying something in a pot, and then she uses her other hand to take her phone out of her pocket. 

Her phone slips out of her hand and topples into the deep fryer section. It looks like the phone went into the oil. She leaves what she has on the stove and uses tongs to try and fish out her phone from the oil. 

It is a classic example of why you shouldn't be on your phone when you are already doing something. 

We are uncertain about what happened after she got the phone out, but look at the Instagram video.

Listen to Jacaranda FM: 

Image Courtesy of Instagram


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