Content creator asks if Dutch people don't like love

Content creator asks if Dutch people don't like love

It's the lack of excitement from the people that got him wondering...

A public proposal in a tram in Netherlands
A public proposal in a tram in Netherlands/Instagram Screenshot/@onyisimadagaska

Usually, when couples propose in public, it gives everyone a reason to smile and celebrate. 

It is a joyous, life-changing moment for two people who have decided to spend the rest of their days together. Nowadays, people pull out their smartphones to capture the momentous occasion, screaming and cheering the couple on, hoping for a 'yes'. 

But the people in the Netherlands are not as enthusiastic. 

A content creator living in the Netherlands recently witnessed a public proposal on a tram. 

It was an exciting moment for the couple, who were evidently elated by their happy news, but it seemed they were the only ones who were excited, apart from the content creator. 

Even the guy who was assigned the duty of videoing the precious moment was a bit 'bleh'. This annoyed the content creator who put his phone down to clap for the couple. 

He was upset and said that even though he thought the guy should've chosen a more romantic setting to propose, the people of the Netherlands needed to loosen up...

Watch the video, courtesy of Instagram

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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