Dad teaches daughters about 'young lady etiquette'

Dad teaches daughters about 'young lady etiquette'

This is both cute and endearing to watch...

A father wearing a purple tutu stands with his two daughters
A father wearing a purple tutu stands with his two daughters/X Screenshot/@TheFigen_

Dads tend to push the limits in general, but girl dads have a way of going above and beyond.

Of course, when it comes to raising daughters, there are many key differences that moms and dads have to deal with. One of the more common things that both girl and boy dads have to ensure as parents is that they are teaching their kids how to conduct themselves. 

There's this saying about the importance of parents empowering their kids with knowledge instead of babying them into thinking that they will always have their parents around. 

A father who has left many people laughing online did a tutorial video with his young daughters. 

In the video, we see him teaching his young ladies how to wipe their bottoms, pick up something off the floor in a lady-like manner, and apply lip gloss. 

It is humorous because their father is doing it and not their mother; like, what do dads know about applying lip gloss? We admire his confidence; honestly, he is on the right track with his etiquette skills. 

He could tackle how to eat with a fork and knife next... this reminds us of when Victor Melling (Michael Caine) tried to teach Sandra Bullock how to eat like a lady in 'Miss Congeniality'. 

Watch the video below, courtesy of YouTube

Watch the video of the dad and his girls below from X

Listen to Jacaranda FM: 

Image Courtesy of X


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