Dad turns on speed mode just in time

Dad turns on speed mode just in time

When your instincts kick in and you don't even know how it happened...

A father pulls his daughter's toy car before it falls over
A father pulls his daughter's toy car before it falls over/TikTok Screenshot/@barstoolsports

This dad showed us a classic example of how parental instincts kick in when they need to. It's almost as if they were always there, but they activate when you become a parent. 

We are still determining if all parents have built-in instincts, but we know they will find out when the situation calls for it. 

Another term to describe a father's instincts is 'Dadstinct'.

One online resource described it perfectly: "Refers to a father's natural inclination and ability to care for and protect their child. They are the driving force behind a father's actions, decisions, and sacrifices."

The dad, accompanied by the rest of the family, was out on their deck while Mom took out her phone to video her girls playing with one another. 

The elder of the two girls was pushing her baby sister inside her Cozy Couple Car, and the little girl was going too fast. Dad instinctively ran up behind her and stopped her car just in time.  

His dadstincts were on point...

Watch the video below - courtesy of TikTok.

@barstoolsports Dad turned on 99 speed 😭 @Podfathers Show ♬ original sound - Barstool Sports

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Image Courtesy of TikTok


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