Daddy's girl cries uncontrollably when dad holds mom

Daddy's girl cries uncontrollably when dad holds mom

"But you and mommy are more closer..."

A young girl crying in the kitchen
A young girl crying in the kitchen/TikTok Screenshot/majestic_mey

Have you ever heard of the Electra complex

The Electra complex describes a stage in a young girl's development where she feels an attraction to her father and competes with her mother for his attention, typically during the phallic phase of development.

Interestingly, a similar dynamic occurs with young boys and their mothers, which is described by the Oedipal complex. During this phase, a boy may develop a desire to replace his father as his mother's romantic partner.

Recently, a mother on TikTok shared a real-life example of the Electra complex. While the video was entertaining and even cute, it was also quite heartbreaking to watch as the young girl cried uncontrollably. 

Watch the video below – courtesy of TikTok


Girl moms, how you dealing with your daddy’s girls??? 🙃🙃🙃

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As it turns out, Razaan and her husband were sitting close together on the sofa, which didn't sit well with their five-year-old daughter.

She felt as though her father was choosing her mother over her, and wanted him to hold her instead. 

Poor dad tried his best to avoid disappointing his little girl while still fulfilling his role as a supportive husband. 

For parents who might be dealing with similar behaviour from their children, rest assured there is a way through it. According to psychological studies, the Oedipus and Electra complexes are resolved when children overcome their negative feelings toward the same-sex parent and start to identify with them.

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Image Courtesy of TikTok 


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