Dear anxious drivers, do you also do this when parking?

Dear anxious drivers, do you also do this when parking?

"Do you also get nervous to park in-between two cars?"

Vehicles parked at a shopping centre somewhere in South Africa
Vehicles parked at a shopping centre somewhere in South Africa/TikTok Screenshot/@lil.cully

Getting your licence is a rite of passage for many when they reach 18. Any experienced driver will tell you that driving continuously is the way to become a confident driver.

But that advice is less solid than you might think for everyone. 

Sometimes, you can be a driver for years and not be comfortable with parking. One driver shared that over social media recently and asked others if they could relate with him. 

South African content creator and funny guy Cullen Andrews shared a video about his anxiety regarding parking. 

He asked his community of anxious drivers if they also experience anxiety when they get to a parking lot and have to park between two cars or next to a pillar.

Andrews then shows his TikTok audience the parking lot he saw when arriving at the shopping centre, the entrance to the mall, and where he parked. 

According to the website:

Even if you’re a competent, experienced driver, you’re not immune to feeling overwhelmed behind the wheel. The symptoms caused by anticipating a situation where you 

A) won’t find a parking space or;

B) won’t be able to park when you find one varies from person to person. They can include:

  • sweaty palms
  • shaking
  • tension
  • palpitations
  • short breaths or difficulty breathing
  • a sense of claustrophobia

Many South Africans came to the comments section of the post to share their views; some resonated with him, while others tried to offer their advice. 

  • "I'd rather do the long walk to freedom than go through the trauma of parking between vehicles!! your not alone!!"
  • "That's my parking spot when I go to the "checkers" centre"
  • "My first car, I scraped on a pillar and I didn’t have insurance. I very quickly learned to park between cars or next to pillars"
  • "I get panic attacks the moment I leave home"
  • "nooo but Cully we need to address the amount of pillars that specific shopping centre has!! I can't handle it...I park all the way at the end too"
  • "Literally me 😂 I will NOT park between 2 cars, I will park miles away and walk"

Watch the video below - courtesy of TikTok

@lil.cully Anxious drivers, do you also do this?😅 #lilcully #comedy #anxiousdriver #parking #anxiety ♬ original sound - Cullan Andrews🌻

Listen to Jacaranda FM: 

Image Courtesy of TikTok


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