Do listening algorithms work on the boss's phone?

Do listening algorithms work on the boss's phone?

Employees make a funny video showing how the boss's phone was left unlocked so they took advantage of the algorithm...

A smartphone on a table with headset
A smartphone on a table with headset/Pexels/@ArunThomas

A video showing employees speaking keywords around their boss' phone, which was left unattended and unlocked, led us to talk about our smart devices listening to us.

The Kaspersky website shares: "Rumours of eavesdropping smart devices have been circulating for many years. Doubtlessly, you’ve heard a tale about how someone was discussing the new coffee machine at work and then got bombarded with online ads for, yes, coffee machines. We’ve already tested this hypothesis and concluded that advertisers aren’t eavesdropping—they have many other less dramatic but far more effective ways of targeting ads." 

As much as this might seem daunting, specific trigger words or predetermined words are recognised by smart devices during people's conversations, which are then used to create custom audiences. 

It is unclear how the companies collect the information; we assume it is through certain apps, but it isn't clear. 

In case you are wondering how this is even possible, ask yourself this question: When you agree to terms and conditions for different apps and updates on your device, do you pay attention to the fine print of each and every point?

Well, that's probably where you are caught; one of the points might read 'active listening included'. Artificial intelligence has pros and cons, and whether or not this one serves all equally is subjective. 

On the opposing side, these employees were more than happy to feed into this active listening algorithm when they saw their boss' phone unlocked. 

They used this in their favour by trying to share targeted words with the listening algorithm in the smartphone so that they could manipulate their boss into unconsciously creating ideas that suit them in the workplace. 

One might say that this was "one small step for employees, one giant leap for companies..."

Watch the video below - courtesy of TikTok

@iamtrend who needs a genie lamp when you’ve got the algorithm. #fyp ♬ apple by charliiiii - babyloncowboy 🍉

Listen to Jacaranda FM: 

Image Courtesy of Pexels


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