Five things that seem disrespectful but actually aren't

Five things that seem disrespectful but actually aren't

A conscious parent shares some things that we assume to be disrespectful, but actually mean something else...

Mom and daughter having an argument
Mom and daughter having an argument/Pexels

We've come to learn that when it comes to communication, sometimes what is said and how it's received don't always match. 

Many times, we find that people receive each other in the incorrect way. 

In this example, we found a mother delving into the things that we find disrespectful but actually mean something else. 

She used communication examples between parents and kids, but we think that these could be applied to communication between any two or more persons. 

1. For instance, when an employee talks back to a manager, sometimes depending on the type of relationship they have, it could be considered disrespectful to talk back to your manager. 

However, it could mean that the employee feels unheard, and is actually in search of some support?

2. What about when you do something that is the opposite of what you were asked to do? Disobeying your manager's instructions could definitely be construed as disrespectful. 

But what if this actually means that your employee or colleague wants more independence? Room to explore a different way of doing things?

3. When you say something to a colleague and they ignore you. This one can literally be applied to all sorts of relationships. Totally feels disrespectful...

But what if that person is distracted, either by something else that's happening or by something they are going through internally? Perhaps you need to consciously check in with them first?

4. Aggression or mumbling could definitely be seen as disrespectful. But perhaps it is just the person dealing with something bigger? 

Sometimes people don't know how to deal with their emotions and so they behave inappropriately. Maybe they need help trying to process everything, or at most some patience from you?


5. We've come to think that when someone doesn't say 'thank you', it is disrespectful. 

Not all people are brought up with this line of thinking. Sometimes people just assume you know they are thankful. 

Perhaps because during their upbringing, it was a given that they were thankful, or perhaps they were brought up believing that showing thanks was not important?

Regardless of which one of these examples indicates disrespect, it is important for us to realise that not everyone communicates the same way. Sometimes we have to tailor our way of talking. 

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Image Courtesy of Pexels

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