This grocery store has a special pineapple cutting machine

This grocery store has a special pineapple cutting machine

How often do you choose not to take the pineapple because of the hassle of cleaning and cutting it?

A woman stands with a pineapple in front of a pineapple cutting machine in Germany
A woman stands with a pineapple in front of a pineapple cutting machine in Germany/Instagram Screenshot/@janine_xrb

It stands to reason that, if anything, robots should be used to make life more efficient, and what's more efficient than building a machine to cut a pineapple? 

A pineapple-cutting machine has been all the rage in Europe and we're just hearing about it. Not to say that we are not with the times; we've seen cotton candy and meat vending machines.

Of course, if we have to think about efficiency in our beloved country, we would think of a meat-cutting machine or perhaps a bread-slicing machine. Wait, we have that already.

Perhaps pineapples are more popular in Germany, and people just don't like the hassle that comes with cutting them? We can understand that; after all, sometimes it feels like you cut so much off the prickly skin that there isn't much left to eat. 

However, inventors haven't left us in the dark. There are utensils that help make pineapples skinless, like stainless steel cutters from retailers that cost between R120 and R200 or more. 

The pineapple-cutting machine at this supermarket doesn't just allow you to get the pineapple cut, it is also a source of entertainment. You have to see it to believe it...

Watch the video below - courtesy of Instagram

As mentioned, this is new to us but has been around for some time. A manager at an American supermarket chain shared a demonstration seven years ago on YouTube. 

He explained that the machine is made in the Netherlands and takes roughly 20 seconds to cut the pineapple. 

What do you think, is this machine worthy of our supermarkets or does it lead to more food waste? Bear in mind that we do not know what they do with the peels; perhaps that is something to look into...

Watch the video from YouTube

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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