Groom kicks best man out of his wedding for proposing

Groom kicks best man out of his wedding for proposing

A groom ended up throwing his best man out of his wedding when he proposed to his girlfriend during the best man speech. 

Best man speech to newlywed couple
Best man speech to newlywed couple/iStock/jacoblund

Some things are acceptable at weddings, and some are not. Although there is no handbook on conducting yourself at a wedding (perhaps there should be), certain things should never be done on the couple's special day. 

One of those things is announcing your engagement, proposing or sharing pregnancy news (unless that is coming from the bridal couple). These things steal the attention away from the newlyweds and can be considered inappropriate. 

A groom recently took to the Reddit page, 'Am I the A------?' to share his story. His life-long friend, who was also the best man at his wedding, decided to propose to his girlfriend during his best man's speech. 

"At first, it was full of the usual jokes and heartfelt stories, which everyone enjoyed. But then, out of nowhere, he turned to his girlfriend and started talking about their relationship," the groom recalled.

"Before I knew it, he was down on one knee, proposing to her in the middle of my reception!

"I felt like my special day had been hijacked. Instead of celebrating our marriage, everyone focused on John and his fiancée."

The groom's feelings were valid, but he may have taken things too far when he kicked his best man out of the reception. When the groom confronted him about what he did, the best man said that he thought it was a good surprise and that the groom would be happy for him. 

It's not typical groom behaviour to get upset over something like this; pardon us for being stereotypical, but this response usually comes from a bride. Grooms are generally laid back and chilled about everything, which leads us to suppose that this groom was reacting out of concern for his new bride, who may have felt the speech and proposal inappropriate. 

Also, what was John thinking when he piggybacked off his friend's wedding to propose? This doesn't quite fit the profile of a great proposal story.

Due to feedback from other friends who were at the wedding, the groom reconsidered his response to his best man's actions and asked Redditors if he was an A****** for kicking his best man out. 

Many people agreed that he was not an A****** and that the best man shouldn't have stolen his special day. But some level-headed advisors suggested that the groom forgive his friend and move on, especially since they have been life-long friends. 

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Image Courtesy of iStock/jacoblund


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