Have you ever heard of a 'Sandfish'?

Have you ever heard of a 'Sandfish'?

This is mind-blowing... a fish that lives in the sand!

A man holds a sand fish with his hand
A man holds a sand fish with his hand/Instagram Screenshot/@sadaf_jahaan

The preservation of wildlife in the desert is something that the Middle East has prioritised over the years. 

Most importantly, we need to educate people about the different animals in this region. We know animals like camels, horses, falcons, and reptiles, as illustrated in the video above from Instagram of the Al Kubaisi Educational Reserve. 

But we were intrigued to learn about a fish that lives in the sand. 

A video shared on Instagram shows a local from Qatar picking up a sandfish. We can totally understand how shocking this might be because we associate fish with water. 

Sadaf Jahaan from Qatar is a content creator and shared the video, where the gentleman briefly explains what a sandfish is and what it eats. 

"In Qatar’s desert, one animal known for making caves is the sandfish. Sandfish are small lizards that burrow into the sand, creating intricate tunnel systems beneath the surface.

"Two intriguing facts about sandfish in Qatar: 

  • Subterranean Lifestyle: Sandfish spend most of their lives underground, constructing elaborate burrows to escape the scorching desert heat. Their burrowing abilities are finely tuned, allowing them to navigate the sand with remarkable agility.
  • Unique Adaptations: Sandfish possess specialised adaptations for desert life, including a streamlined body shape and scales that facilitate efficient movement through the sand. They can also alter their body temperature to regulate heat, enabling them to thrive in the extreme conditions of the Qatari desert."

Courtesy of Tour Guide Ruta on Instagram.

Watch the video below, where we see a sand fish at the Al Kubaisi Educational Reserve in Qatar, courtesy of Instagram

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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