Here's what a cracked egg looks like underwater

Here's what a cracked egg looks like underwater

Hmm, that looked like fun...

Scuba diver cracks egg underwater
Scuba diver cracks egg underwater/Instagram Screenshot/@viralhog

As much as everyone is in the spirit of Easter and consuming one too many Easter eggs, we saw something of interest that involved an egg of another kind. 

Ever wondered what happens to a chicken egg when it is cracked underwater? 

And not just any pool of water, but the ocean?

A group of scuba divers decided to experiment and see what actually happens. 

The experiment certainly did intrigue us. It also proved that if there is one place you can allow your kids to play with eggs, it's water. 

WATCH what happens below, courtesy of Instagram


This was definitely an egg-speriment that we enjoyed watching. 

It reminded us of a jellyfish of sorts.

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Image Courtesy of Instagram

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