Husband is left confused by wife's 'caraoke'

Husband is left confused by wife's 'caraoke'

When you feel a song so much so that you connect with it on all levels...

A woman wearing a pink cap singing in the car
A woman wearing a pink cap singing in the car/Instagram Screenshot/@minton__jr

Have you ever just felt a song to the point where you connect with it on a deeper level?

Sometimes, even if your life is far from the lyrics and you've never truly felt heartache or pain, you resonate with the lyrics and sing the song with passion. 

This is what happened with a wife who was caught in the act of singing about heartache in front of her husband. 

Watch what happened below, courtesy of Instagram

It was interesting to note that so many people resonated with his wife. Sometimes, even when you are not transported to a place of hurt or pain with a song, you can still feel it on a different note. 

Check out some of the comments: 

  • "Why is she me though I sing this song at the top of my lungs with all my soul and guts"
  • "Even JoJo herself commented on the video saying: "she in ha moooooood"
  • "The only JoJo we should be bumping"
  • "He ex boyfriend from 7th grade."
  • "I love that your son is just vibing in the back perfectly"
  • "She’s actually in 06 in her childhood bedroom mad at a boy who doesn’t know that she has a crush on him" 

Listen to Jacaranda FM: 

Image Courtesy of Instagram 


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