Little boy enlightens his friend about milk

Little boy enlightens his friend about milk

It's the confidence of this little boy...

A glass of chocolate milk and plain milk
A glass of chocolate milk and plain milk/iStock/@Insan Kamil

If you have a child, please do yourself a favour and ask them where chocolate milk comes from.

We hope that you get to receive a dose of some entertainment hearing the answers the kids give you. 

A young boy who was having a conversation with his friend during a playdate revealed where chocolate milk comes from and where plain milk comes from. 

He spoke so confidently that we almost believed him. 

Watch the video below, courtesy of Instagram

What was even funnier was the way his friend said that her parents didn't know about this either...

  • "That's a skill - to speak with full confidence, without knowing anything about the topic"
  • "The look on the girls face is everything"
  • "He’s a salesman natural born finesse"
  • "He's going to make a good politician, and he has my vote"
  • "Mansplaining starts young."
  • "Morale lesson: Always believe in what you say. They will believe it too." 

Listen to Jacaranda FM: 

Image Courtesy of iStock/Insan Kamil


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