Little girl gets ready for her date with dad

Little girl gets ready for her date with dad

Now, this is something that all dads should do...

A little girl wearing a sparkly dress holds her father's hand
A little girl wearing a sparkly dress holds her father's hand/Instagram Screenshot/marcipoppell

One of the cutest things we see these days is the outstanding bonds nurtured between fathers and their little girls

As we prepare to celebrate women this Women's Day, it is imperative to highlight a father's critical role in a daughter's life and vice versa. A young girl is the apple of her father's eye and almost always teaches him how to be a better man. 

In the same way, a father's treatment of his daughter is her first impression of how a man should carry himself. 

Also, if you are a parent, you would know by now that our kids grow up exceptionally fast, and it's best to savour the moments you have with them as much as possible. Rest assured, you will never get that time back. 

A father who has set the bar high took his little girl out for a date

In a video, we see mom helping their daughter prepare for her big date with daddy. She wears a beautiful sequenced frock, sparkly earrings, and a dazzling necklace. Her hair has a pink bow and she wears cute little heels. She is the epitome of classy. 

Dad rings the house bell, and when she opens the door, she is pleasantly surprised to see that her father has brought her flowers. 

Watch how adorable she looks - courtesy of Instagram:

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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