Major dad win for sleeping kids in the car seat

Major dad win for sleeping kids in the car seat

This is the type of resourcefulness we admire in fathers; always finding a way to create a solution. 

A baby's head falls as she sleeps on her car seat
A baby's head falls as she sleeps on her car seat/Instagram Screenshot/jordynmichelle___

Dads are known for their ability to look at things differently. Their general calm and cool attitude serves them well in most situations. 

Because as you might know, staying calm can help you find a solution far quicker than stressing out. This occasion wasn't a stressful one, but it warranted a solution. 

A father who was watching over his girls in the car noticed that the two of them had fallen asleep in their car seats. As kids grow, parts of their car seats fall away. Hence, not all car seats end up having abundant neck support as the child develops. 

Although, we think they should still cater for a child's neck; as much as they are more sturdy in controlling their heads, it's highly likely that your kid will fall asleep in their car seat.

The girls had fallen asleep, but their heads kept falling to one side due to the lack of neck support. 

So, dad got resourceful and decided to use their t-shirts as head supports by tying them across either side of the headrest. It didn't look like a professional solution but it did the job just as well. 

Of course, mom was surprised to see her girls with their t-shirt head slings, but we have a feeling she was impressed nonetheless. 

Watch the video below - courtesy of Instagram.

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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