Man bitten by snake takes the reptile with him to hospital

Man bitten by snake takes the reptile with him to hospital

He probably thought the best way to ensure he gets the correct treatment is by having the snake with him...

An Indian man holds a snake in his hands
An Indian man holds a snake in his hands/Instagram Screenshot/NDTV

Snake bites are extremely serious and can be fatal in some instances. 

This is determined by the type of snake, whether it is venomous or not, how long before the bitten victim receives treatment, etc. But bearing all of that in mind, it's not often that a person bitten by a snake will have the strength and stamina to grab that same snake and hold onto it. 

An Indian man, Prakash Mandal from Bihar's Bhagalpur, India, did that very thing and shocked medical staff at the hospital. 

A Russell's Viper bit Mandal. They are considered among the most venomous snakes worldwide. 

"The man, Prakash Mandal, grabbed the venomous snake by its mouth, wrapped it around his neck and went to the hospital. The doctors and patients were stunned to see the man, in a dhoti, holding a snake, seeking urgent treatment in the emergency ward after being bitten." (NDTV)

Of course, he might've been acting out of adrenaline, but perhaps his intention was also to carry the snake so he could ensure the right treatment from doctors. 

Medical staff and other patients were left fearful when they saw the man with the snake. 

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