Man eats tissue believing it is food

Updated | By Jacaranda FM

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When you've changed your diet, anything with flavour tastes good...

A man about to take a bite of food from chopsticks/Instagram Screenshot/

Playing pranks on our loved ones is many families' sweetest part of life. 

There's a line, and sometimes many people cross it. But that's the point of a prank: to fool someone into believing something. The smoother the prank, the funnier it is. 

But getting people to eat something they think is food is hardcore. 

In a video we see what looks like a woman's hand take a crumpled tissue and soak it into her food, pick it up with her chopsticks, and feed it to her partner. 

The guy is eating a salad, and we are uncertain whether he notices what she is doing because he is on his phone. 

He unknowingly eats the gravy-soaked tissue, and his reaction is classic. 

Watch his reaction below, courtesy of Instagram

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