Man left surprised when wife offers to pay the bill at restaurant

Man left surprised when wife offers to pay the bill at restaurant

But wait, there's a catch...She is 'better' at math than he is...

A woman and man sitting at a restaurant
A woman and man sitting at a restaurant/Instagram Screenshot/@crazeclown

There is much that has been said about who should pay the bill when dining out as a couple. 

Most couples figure out how to navigate around this as they grow in their relationship, while some couples just follow the stock standard stereotype. 

It is not uncommon for the male to pay when a couple goes out for dinner, but that has changed over the years. 

In this video, we see a couple enjoying a meal together at a restaurant. Just as the bill arrives, the husband reaches for his cash and is about to pay when his wife stops him and gestures to pay. 

Needless to say, he is surprised, and rightfully so. The wife does something we have yet to see happen before...

Watch what happened, courtesy of Instagram

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Image Courtesy of Instagram 


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