Man tries to help a baby kangaroo that wandered into his garden

Man tries to help a baby kangaroo that wandered into his garden

We just have one question... who has a kangaroo costume just lying around?

A mother Kangaroo and her baby in a patch of land
A mother Kangaroo and her baby in a patch of land/Pexels/@Karolina Grabowska

We have seen more than one story from Australia where uninvited animals have entered people's homes and gardens.

Not too long ago a girl saw a snake in their garden that caught ahold of her pet guinea pig. She was heroic in saving her pet, you can read about it here, there's also a video

This time we saw a baby kangaroo, also known as a Joey, that entered a family's garden and didn't know how to leave. 

Watch what happens below as a man dresses in a kangaroo costume to try and help the baby (Joey) out. 

Courtesy of X

We are unsure as to what happened after Joey got into his pouch, but perhaps they were able to take him to a place of safety. 

Listen to Jacaranda FM: 

Image Courtesy of Pexels


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