Mom and daughters prank dad with a snake attack

Mom and daughters prank dad with a snake attack

This was seriously 'snakey'...

A father with his daughters shocked because there is a snake behind him
A father with his daughters shocked because there is a snake behind him/Instagram Screenshot/@celinag_

It takes a real skill to prank a man in front of his children

So, when you successfully pull off a prank and get it on video, you can say with confirmation that you deserve a pat on the back. 

A mother and wife decided to prank her husband with a fake snake. She got him real good, and guess what... his daughters were both in on it!

We are uncertain how she did it, but the snake looked real and moved at the perfect time. 

Her husband was shocked and ran away from the snake; he didn't even worry about picking up his girls. When he realised that he didn't have them, he ran back to find his elder daughter hitting the snake. 

Naturally, she was unafraid, so she took her stick and whacked the fake snake. 

Watch the video below, courtesy of Instagram

P.S We won't judge you for laughing at a fellow dad for getting pranked. 

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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