Motorist impressed by BMW 7 Series bakkie

Motorist impressed by BMW 7 Series bakkie

"Only in SA..." 

A white BMW 7 Series bakkie on the streets of South Africa
A white BMW 7 Series bakkie on the streets of South Africa/Instagram Screenshot/retro_mr

Car fabrication is a big deal in many car enthusiast communities. Not only is it an impressive field, but it also transforms motor vehicles into a personalised accessory for their drivers. 

Many car enthusiasts pride themselves on this. What's mechanically astounding is not just what's below the hood, but also the body work. 

A Proudly South African car enthusiast who enjoys spreading love about his passion - cars - recently shared a cool video of an interesting car fabrication. 

Retro_Mr on Instagram shared a video of an "epic" car fabrication that showed a BMW 7 Series transformed into a bakkie. 

It was a beast that not many would envision, considering that BMW isn't a brand that focuses its design efforts on bakkies. It doesn't fit into their brand vision, so seeing a personalised fabrication or a revision of this classic car into a bakkie was interesting. 

This is very South African, but the workmanship is also pristine, showing true craft for car building.  

Watch the video below - courtesy of Instagram

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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