Mzansi react to man sleeping inside grave

Mzansi react to man sleeping inside grave

A group of people discovered a homeless man sleeping inside a grave enclosure at a graveyard in Eastern Cape. 

A person is sleeping inside an enclosed grave at a graveyard
A person is sleeping inside an enclosed grave at a graveyard/TikTok Screenshot/Gwazube_nkululeko

The cold and rainy weather motivates those living on the streets to find a place of refuge, but it is not always possible on the streets of South Africa

Sometimes, it's a matter of not having the minimum payment required to visit the local shelter; other times, it's because these people are lost in life and don't have the will to find help or ask for it. 

A video that shows a person who is assumed to be homeless sleeping inside an enclosed sheltered grave has gone viral on social media.

Watch the video below - courtesy of TikTok


Izinto ezenzeka kumadlaka ase Zwelitsha (KWS) ezone 10

♬ original sound - Gwazube Sisonke Luphiwo

The video briefly shows the man looking up from inside the grave before covering his head with a blanket and going back to sleep. 

As one might imagine, people have responded to the video in all sorts of ways. Check out some of the comments. 

  • "Why people build a house on top of grave the homeless can't sleep on the streets while there's empty house there."
  • "Let him rest in peace."
  • "Where did he get the door keys."
  • "At least he’s not vandalising the stone, just utilising it nje,,, at the same time he is guarding it."
  • "He must now organise curtains to ensure privacy..."
  • "Personally, I wouldn't be mad as long as they don't vandalise it."

Listen to Jacaranda FM: 

Image Courtesy of TikTok


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