Parents, is it mandatory to share snacks with the kids?

Parents, is it mandatory to share snacks with the kids?

Eating healthy is important and mirroring that to your kids is a must, right?

Parents hiding their snacks from their kids
Parents hiding their snacks from their kids/Instagram Screenshot/@hakuna_matata_home

It is expected of parents to mirror good eating habits when it comes to encouraging healthy eating among the whole family. 

But what happens when you just want to pig out on junk food? Do you wait for the kids to go to bed so you can indulge without having to explain yourself? 

Once you've been doing it for a while, there are ways around snacking in front of the kids without them knowing what you are snacking on...

Watch what these parents do when they are secretly snacking on their junk food stash...

Courtesy of Instagram

A dad artfully put together some tips on how to eat junk food without your kids noticing. 

One of the key points he noted was that it is possible to eat snacks in front of your kids without them knowing, you just have to prepare a little. For instance, he says his son can spot a wrapper from anywhere, so, to avoid being asked for a snack, he simply removes the wrapper in another room...

If you ask us, there is too much effort involved in hiding it from them. What do you think?

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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