Shoppers jam mother and child in aisle and slyly try to steal from her

Shoppers jam mother and child in aisle and slyly try to steal from her

It may be a happy time of year for many, but it is also a peak time for criminals...

Shoppers jam mother and child trying to steal from her
Shoppers jam mother and child trying to steal from her/TikTok Screenshot/@cab549

As much as we all may be experiencing the merriment of the Festive Season, sadly, criminals don't go on holiday.

And this is why we should stay vigilant during the holiday period. 

We often take for granted that we are safe, but the truth is that staying alert in any setting is a requirement in this day and age. 

One video that forced us to be cognisant of this reality was shared on TikTok.

In the video we see three people - a man and two ladies, shopping together. 

A young child is seen running to her mother and the mother carries her and walks towards the three shoppers. 

Then the shoppers strike as they see an opportunity with the distracted mother. 

Check out the video below, courtesy of TikTok


♬ original sound - Zulu


We are uncertain as to whether the thief managed to get anything out of the mother's handbag. 

But it looked that way as she put her hand into her shirt. We are just shaken at how obvious yet not obvious this was. 

As much as it may be the season of merriment, make sure to be prepared for anything, especially when with the kids. 

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Image Courtesy of TikTok

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