In South Africa we hire real mannequins

In South Africa we hire real mannequins

This is definitely a wild thing to do! A spectacle indeed!

A girl goes to touch models posing as mannequins
A girl goes to touch models posing as mannequins/TikTok Screenshot/@gabychivs

Creating a spectacle and disrupting, which has become a thing on its own in the world of advertising and marketing, is definitely something that works.

Brands have to constantly and consistently aspire to be different to be noticed. 

Because competition is rife and you've got to make it count if you want to be a player in the game of business. 

It is for this very reason we are left in awe of the efforts by a clothing retailer at one of the malls in Johannesburg, South Africa. 

The location was not shared in the TikTok video, but we see it through the eyes of American ladies who are on a trip to South Africa. 

They are seen shopping at a mall and go past a clothing store, only to realise that the mannequins are actually people. 

WATCH the video below, courtesy of TikTok


in south africa we hire mannequins 👍🏽

♬ original sound - Gabriella


It's not the first time we've been scared of a mannequin that looked real, only this time they were actually real. 

But definitely a good story for tourists to share when they go back home.

Demystifying South Africa, the place where mannequins are real...

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Image Courtesy of TikTok

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