Thief gets the cold shoulder when he tries to rob a nail salon

Thief gets the cold shoulder when he tries to rob a nail salon

This has got to have been the most humiliating part of his criminal career...

A man holds a bag up as if he is holding a gun
A man holds a bag up as if he is holding a gun/X Screenshot/@kirawontmiss

It is anything but fulfilling when you cannot perform in your line of work, even if your chosen path is crime

But it is an excellent source of entertainment for us. More than that, we think this epic failure of this alleged criminal is a great example of how to respond to criminals. 

A video shared on X shows a man walking into a nail salon. The video has the tagline 'Atlanta Police Dept. /TMX' in the top left-hand corner, which makes us assume that it was sourced from the police department in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. 

The man walks in with one hand in a bag as if he is holding a gun. He demands that people get down and hand over their money and belongings

His presence phases no one, nor is anyone reacting to him. No one got down, and the women near the door ignored him. One of them even wakes up and leaves the store. 

He walked around and repeated himself; even the man behind the counter, who was on the phone, didn't look perturbed by his attempt at robbing the place. 

Watch what happens when no one responds to him - courtesy of X

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Image Courtesy of X


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