Uh, what happened to my car?

Uh, what happened to my car?

Nature has a way of showing us who is boss...

A wall falls onto parked cars due to a bad construction
A wall falls onto parked cars due to a bad construction/X Screenshot/@TheFigen_

This was the perfect example of following your instincts

A video of a man walking past a row of parked cars shows him uneasy when he looks at the wall behind the cars. The wall looks old and unsteady and has several cracks. It seems like it has been water-damaged, and we see the block imprint. 

A woman hurries by him, starts her car, and drives away. At this point, we see the man turn back and look at the wall again. He screams something and then he walks off again. 

It all looks normal at first, but then we notice that the wall is leaning and falling towards the parked vehicles

Before you know it, the wall that is giving way, falls over onto the cars, followed by heaps of sand, and it looks like a mini landslide. It always amazes us how people manage to capture these moments on video but don't seem to make a fuss about warning others of the foreseeable disaster they are about to witness. 

Watch the video below - courtesy of X

Several signs revealed this might happen, but if people were not observant, they wouldn't have been any wiser. 

The cracks in the wall were a huge indicator, but only one lady noticed and rushed her car to safety. If ever you see this sort of situation arising, then it is always best to notify authorities and stay clear of the area where the slide occurred. 

Listen to Jacaranda FM: 

Image Courtesy of X


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