WATCH: How quickly city centre thieves can take your phone away

WATCH: How quickly city centre thieves can take your phone away

These guys work as a team...

Person holding a phone in hand in car with hand outside car window
Person holding a phone in hand in car with hand outside car window/Instagram Screenshot/@itsgoneviral

Crime is something that we have come to learn to live with. That by no means implies that we are okay with it. 

It just means that we have come to adapt to it, accept that it is a reality and also be more aware about it. 

This could come in the form of watching crime watch or trending crime videos and the likes. 

We found this group online that share phone grabbing videos and perform social experiments in city centres in and around Africa, specifically Kenya. 

Their aim is to make people aware of the syndicates that operate in the area. So seamlessly they move with the crowds, unnoticed. 

They move so quickly that you have to have your guard up at all times. Because one thing is for certain, they are out there, and they are watching. 

It is for this reason that we wanted to share this phone snatching experiment video. This is just one of many of these types of videos that are being done by a page called Africa Avengers. 

And basically, their aim is to share how these thieves operate and also to let the thieves know that people know who they are. 

As much as many of these men, boys are forced into these crime circles, not having much of a choice in it. Many people came to the comment section of this video to share their views on this experiment. 

kirstyn._.69: "Both sides are wrong, the guy with the fake phone you should check why he’s stealing. That man could have kids to feed or just needs to feed himself...You don’t know what someone’s going through. And for the guy trying to take the phone. He’s gotta figure out a different way to get his money, stealing isn’t right, yeah that could be his only quick solution, but he still needs to know it’s wrong, and figure something else out. 

Both sides are wrong, and this is a real-world problem for many across the world, that need to steal to make their money and keep themselves alive. It’s sad to see that this is how easy it is to get something valuable stolen and it’s sad to know that the reason behind it could be poverty." 


WATCH the below, courtesy of Instagram.

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