Watch how this woman accidentally drinks her paintbrush water

Watch how this woman accidentally drinks her paintbrush water

Imagine mistaking your paintbrush water container for your drink...

A woman laughs uncontrollably as she mistakenly drank her paintbrush water
A woman laughs uncontrollably as she mistakenly drank her paintbrush water/TikTok Screenshot/@pubity

Being invited to a brand event is always fun, but why is it that sometimes something goes offside? 

A woman shared how she was invited to a fun activation for a sports brand, and part of the day's activities included a paint class. 

While she was painting and listening to the art teacher, she took a sip of her paintbrush water without meaning to and immediately began laughing at her mistake. 

At first, she went completely red out of embarrassment but then after she realised that it could've happened to anyone and with everyone else laughing it off, she didn't feel so bad about it. 

Watch what happened below - courtesy of TikTok

@charsbusbanter Embarrassed myself infront of the @SCULPT ACTIVEWEAR🤍 ♬ original sound - Charmane Isabella

Many people commented on the video, questioning its authenticity and saying it was staged. But as TikTok noted, this was just a tiny clip from a longer video she made to capture the day's event. 

Surprisingly, more than one person shared that they have also done this; they were kids when it last happened to them. 

  • "I did this when I was about 8 and drank half a cup before I even realised 😩 I was mortified!"
  • "Can taste this video, school memories."
  • "The fact you didn’t spit it out INSTANTLY, you turned to your friend first, is wild!" 

Listen to Jacaranda FM: 

Image Courtesy of TikTok


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