Watch this woman swipe her luck at a wishing well

Watch this woman swipe her luck at a wishing well

If you are one of those people who rarely keep cash on you, you will understand this perfectly. 

A woman kneels down to swipe her card in a well of water
A woman kneels down to swipe her card in a well of water/Instagram Screenshot/@cbfh2489

An article posted on The University of Irvine Anthropology page describes 'Wishing Wells' as the practice of buying good fortune. 

"Wishing wells are cultural expressions of a belief in magic and the ability to control fate through the supernatural." 

As much as realists might differ in opinion, the truth is that people have hope when it comes to things like wishing wells. They look to the unknown because that is where their fortune might lie. 

Usually, people travel far and wide to visit mystical fountains or wishing wells that help keep their dream of fortune alive. 

And when they do visit these places, traditionally, they throw a coin into the well of water and make their wish. 

Remember this scene from the movie, 'When In Rome', where Kristen Bell steals some coins from the fountain of love? Check it out below, courtesy of YouTube

Well, it seems one woman took things a step further when she did not have any coins to throw into what looked like a wishing well. 

She resorted to swiping her card!

We cannot say with certainty that we have known that to work or that it is an acceptable form of practice at wishing wells, but we guess we can give her an 'A' for effort and ingenuity. 

Watch the video below, courtesy of Instagram

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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