What do you call it, tea or chai?

What do you call it, tea or chai?

Padma Lakshmi reminds us what the meaning of 'Chai' is...

Teacups and saucers on a tray
Teacups and saucers on a tray/Pexels/@Samer Daboul

Contrary to popular opinion, there are varied ways of drinking tea.

The humble cup of tea has also become something of a point of contention over the past couple of years. Traditionally, it is enjoyed in a variety of ways; there's Ceylon tea, Chamomile, Earl Grey, Green, Rooibos, the more traditional Masala tea, and so much more. 

It is safe to say that tea is a more complex drink than most thought it to be. 

But in saying that, the person or entity that created the private school version of tea, 'Chai Tea', a creamier version, got the naming convention wrong. 

Ask a tea person or anyone from India and they will tell you that 'Chai' means tea. So, calling a drink 'Chai Tea' is in essence saying, 'Tea-Tea'. 

Padma Lakshmi, an Indian-American author, activist, model, and TV host, shared a matter-of-fact video on her social media recently, setting things straight. It's not the first time that we have heard people question 'Chai Tea' and we doubt it will be the last time, but it is important to set the facts straight. 

Watch the video below, courtesy of Instagram.

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Image Courtesy of Pexels


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