"What do you call a person that only eats plants?"

"What do you call a person that only eats plants?"

Could this be the darndest thing? This is a 'Made in South Africa' answer...

Vegetable on a plate with other vegetables on the table
Vegetable on a plate with other vegetables on the table/Pexels/Ella Olsson

This is the most South African answer we could've ever heard. 

We know that the things kids say can be absurd, but there are times when they hit the nail right on the head. What's super amazing about this is that most times, they don't intend to; they are just following their instincts. 

It is those times that we are left completely gob-smacked by the way their brains work. 

A Cape Town mother, a divorce attorney, often shares content about her four-year-old daughter. If attorney stereotypes were at play here, this little girl has a natural gene for words. 

Mom, Jade, asks a question and waits patiently for her four-year-old to respond. 

The question: "What do you call a person that only eats plants, no meat?" 

Her little one comes running from the room wearing her pyjamas, puts her finger in her mouth, and then answers perfectly...

We don't want to ruin it for you because her response was classic. 

Watch the video below - courtesy of TikTok

@jadestar_fit This child has the answer to everything! ☠️ #TikTokSouthAfrica #SAMA28 #kidssaythedarnestthings @Günther | Labour Law Attorney ♬ original sound - Jadestar | Attorney | CPT

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Image Courtesy of Pexels


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