When taxis think it's okay to travel into oncoming traffic

When taxis think it's okay to travel into oncoming traffic

How not to drive in 2024...

A taxi travels on the oncoming lane in Midrand, Johannesburg
A taxi travels on the oncoming lane in Midrand, Johannesburg/TikTok Screenshot/@thesantuary777

As South Africans, we know better than to think that a taxi will follow the traffic flow without doing something dodge on the road. 

Whether that means travelling on the yellow line, overtaking by travelling into oncoming traffic or causing more traffic with their antics. 

A person who felt strongly about how people drive shared that Midrand is the "most lawless place on Earth". Getting stuck in traffic is a challenging experience for everyone. Dealing with inconsiderate motorists, delays, and rubberneckers is no easy feat. 

But this is a reality for most drivers worldwide, not just in Johannesburg. According to the country traffic rankings, South Africa is 13th, while Nigeria is number one. 

This refers to the traffic index, which is a "comprehensive measure used to assess transportation system efficiency, incorporating factors like vehicle speeds, traffic volumes, accidents, and management quality." (Typeset)

In the video shared on TikTok, we see a taxi trying to avoid traffic by travelling in the oncoming lane. The driver encounters a vehicle in the right lane, and the motorist moves around the taxi. But then we see a modern-day stare-down between the taxi and another car. 

It reminded us of a clip from 'The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly', a classic Western movie with Clint Eastwood - courtesy of YouTube

Watch the video below - courtesy of TikTok.


If you value your life, don't come to Midrand

♬ original sound - Sanctuary

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Image Courtesy of TikTok


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