When you can take a nap anywhere, any time...

When you can take a nap anywhere, any time...

Sometimes, the best place to sleep is at the back of a bakkie. 

Two workers napping at the back of a moving bakkie
Two workers napping at the back of a moving bakkie/Instagram Screenshot/jumpmanamapiano

Productivity experts have long championed the benefits of napping during the workday, and for good reason.

Companies like Google and Zappos have been advocates for workplace naps, with some CEOs believing they help employees find a better balance. 

The CEO of Brooks Bell believes everyone has something to gain from a few short naps. "The power I found in short, restorative 20-minute naps led to my enthusiastic support of constructing a 'nap room' at my company," he said

While the productivity benefits of sleep pods in a business setup are widely recognised, we came across a more humorous take on the idea.

A video pokes fun at those who can fall asleep anywhere, any time, no matter the situation.

In the video, two workers are seen perched on boxes and piles of materials at the back of a bakkie. Despite the likely discomfort of their makeshift seats, they’re both fast asleep.

The overlay copy reads, "Them: No way you can take a nap anytime, any place." Me: ..."

Check out the video below from Instagram.

Of course, sitting in the back of a vehicle can be incredibly sleep-inducing – just ask young children, or in this case, workers who travel on the back of a bakkie.

While corporations encourage power naps, even everyday workers can benefit from catching a quick snooze here and there.

Besides, we wouldn't call it sleeping on the job if you're not working while grabbing those 40 winks.

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Image courtesy of Instagram


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