Why are celebrities obsessed with weird names?

Why are celebrities obsessed with weird names?

Celebrities are known for giving their children strange names but did you know their penchant for obscure words stretches to the names of their businesses, too? 

scrabble pieces

Over the years celebrities have given us our fair share of strange baby names. 
Gwyneth Paltrow has a daughter named Apple, Gwen Stefani has Apollo and Zuma, and other famous people have given their children names like Java, Story and Kash.
And when they're not naming children, they're naming their estates. Think of Michael Jackson's (in)famous "Neverland", Taylor Swift's "The Imaginarium" and Eddie Murphy's "Bubble Hill". 

Tinseltown's tendency towards weird and wacky names stretches to business names as well. Some production companies have such obscure names that it's difficult to understand what the celebrity in question was envisioning for the future of the endeavour at the time of signing the documents. 

Here are some strange production company names. Can you guess whose company they belong to? 
Click the cards to reveal the answer. 

If you were a Hollywood star, what would you name your production business?

Image: Shamia Casiano

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