Woman fights back against restaurant after bad experience

Woman fights back against restaurant after bad experience

Don't mess with a woman and her party planning...

Empty tables at a restaurant
Empty tables at a restaurant/Pexels

This woman experienced a case of dissatisfaction when she made the effort to reserve a table at a fancy restaurant for her in-laws' birthdays. 

And when the birthday party arrived early, there was a long line of things that did not speak well of the restaurant. 

No one wants to be displeased when it comes to celebrating a party, especially when there is wine involved. 

"I had made a reservation for a group of 10 at a new up-scale restaurant months beforehand. Because it was also a winery, we arrived 2 hours early and checked in with the restaurant to see if they could seat us earlier. Despite an empty restaurant, they said they couldn't.’’ (MSN)

After receiving a message to say they were ready for them, the hostess told them that they would not be able to accommodate their party as the only area that hosted 10 people was outside and it was raining. 

The woman then asked if they could be seated elsewhere and perhaps tables rearranged to accommodate their party. 

But the hostess kept saying that there was nothing she could do, and that they could not control the weather. Sounds pretty rigid if you ask us...

"She did the decent thing and emailed the manager to ask them if there was anything they could do because our experience was so terrible. But she received no response." (MSN)


We assume it was at this point that the pettiness began. She decided to give them bad reviews online and went as far as to creating several fake email accounts, so each review was from a different user. 

Eventually her reviews got the restaurant knocked down by two stars. And guess what, the restaurant contacted her. 

‘’They reached out offering to comp a meal for my in-laws IF "our group" took the reviews down. Which I refused.’’ 

A good lesson for restaurants all over, don't mess with a party plan. 

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Image Courtesy of Pexels

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