Woman shows how her husband got sucked in by her TV show

Woman shows how her husband got sucked in by her TV show

This could be supporting evidence that men sometimes enjoy reality TV drama...

A man washes dishes and his eyes are glued to the TV
A man washes dishes and his eyes are glued to the TV/TikTok Screenshot/@_mickus

The common misconception is that husbands or partners don't enjoy watching the same TV shows as their better halves. 

The fairer sex has a record of enjoying reality TV shows that involve a lot of catty behaviour. However, some husbands/partners find the shows less appealing because of the eccentric tendencies displayed by some of the women on the shows. 

But recently, we have found that many women have been outing their husbands on social media. They have revealed that their husbands are more invested in watching their shows than they care to admit. 

Instead of denying the fact that sometimes these shows can suck you in with the sheer drama, it's better to give in to your cravings and watch it with your wife. 

Who knows, it could even help you bond over the experience...

A wife recently stopped watching her show to video her husband. She shows how glued he was to her show while washing the dishes. He was so invested that, at one point, he just left the tap running...

Watch how he starts laughing when he knows she caught him. Video courtesy of TikTok


It was actually my show.

♬ original sound - Mickus

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Image Courtesy of TikTok


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