Woman uses her bra to open car window after locking keys inside

Woman uses her bra to open car window after locking keys inside

This has got to be the wildest thing we have seen a person do with underwear...

A woman tapes her bra onto her car window
A woman tapes her bra onto her car window/X Screenshot/@Scentofawoman10

Who said the internet was bad? It taught this woman how to open her car window using her bra and some extra-strong tape.

Not randomly; she had mistakenly locked her keys in her car and needed to get back in. 

A video shared on X shows a woman removing her bra in a parking lot and then proceeding to tape the bra onto the driver's side window of her car. She vigorously begins to tape her bra onto the window, and the couple parked next to her continue watching and videoing. 

It does seem like it was planned, but we will give them the benefit of the doubt. 

Eventually, the couple asked her what she was doing, and she revealed that she had locked her keys in the car. They offered to call road assistance for her, but she said that was too costly. 

The woman then asked if she had done this before, and she said no, but she had seen it done on the internet. Her confidence in trying it out was at 100%, and we have to say, after watching the full video, we were impressed with her thinking. 

When she had completely secured the bra onto the window, she tugged at both bra straps to pull the car window down. She managed to get the window opened a little, but not enough to fit her hand in. Then she went on the roof of the car.

Watch what she did next - courtesy of X

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Image Courtesy of X


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