WATCH: Car hits the curb and cartwheels in front of house

WATCH: Car hits the curb and cartwheels in front of house

These people were VERY lucky!

Car crashed in front of a house
Car crashed in front of a house/YouTube Screenshot/@NewYorkPost

Ever seen a crashed vehicle and wondered how in the world it happened? 

Well, sometimes these crazy crashes happen to get captured on video. 

And, in those occasions, we get to see a bird's eye view of how the vehicle ended up in that squashed condition. 

In this case, it was a car that hit a curb in a residential area and flew into the air, spinning three times before crashing to the ground sideways up. 

The incident happened in the town of Torony, Hungary. 

Crazily enough, "both the driver, who 'limped away', and his female passenger were not seriously injured in the crash." (New York Post)


The vehicle missed a nearby house by centimetres, which we can say is another miracle. 

Our question which may sound a bit irrelevant at this point is... how did they get such great footage of this crash?

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