Activities to get your kids through the last week of the holidays

Activities to get your kids through the last week of the holidays

We love this laser activity; it might even be a good family activity for game night. 

A girl makes her way through a yarn web in the kitchen
A girl makes her way through a yarn web in the kitchen/Instagram Screenshot/@kellyvillegrove

It's the last few days before the kids go back to school and we are sure your bank balance has suffered.

Finding things to do for the kids can be strenuous and costly. But don't fear; we found some fun indoor activities that will get you and the family through the week. 

A shopping and retail brand, Kellyville Grove, shared a video with great indoor activities that are easy to implement and cost-savvy. 

Here are some great indoor activities. The significant part is that you can do them as a family; they're not just for the kids. 

  • A movie marathon is a great way to get everyone together. Maybe make it themed, and everyone can choose their favourite movies for the night. 
  • Game nights are a classic win for the whole family. It can also be tailored to suit the kids particularly, maybe a game day. 
  • Kids like to feel in control so perhaps getting them involved in a DIY home project or something for school could be fun and purposeful. Getting them to lead a project helps them take responsibility and also helps them feel like they have contributed to the home. 
  • Kitchen time - Kids love getting messy. Give them time in the kitchen to make a recipe or perhaps give them a cooking lesson. 
  • Use wool to create a laser-inspired web in the kitchen and challenge them to get through without touching the wool. 

Watch what the laser course looks like, courtesy of Instagram

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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