Aunty caught in the act giving ice-cream to her nephews

Aunty caught in the act giving ice-cream to her nephews

Mom so efficiently calls this, 'Aunty Math'...

Ice cream cone photo with person blurred in background
Ice cream cone photo with person blurred in background/Pexels/@Lukas

When asking family to babysit, there is always a chance that things are not going to go as planned or instructed... 

That's because family are known to be pushovers, most of the time anyway. 

Especially if the one that is babysitting is the kids' aunty. 

A hilarious video shared by a mother who asked her sister to babysit her two sons show how she got caught in the act. 

Mom came home to find them all eating ice-cream in the kitchen. 

And what's worse is that the toddler, who the aunty was carrying on her hip, had a cone of ice-cream and was happily eating it. 

The aunt played it cool even though she was caught ice-cream handed...

Now, we are not at all fully convinced that this was the first time aunty gave them ice-cream on her watch, but she tries to remain convincing when asked by mom. 

Watch what happens below, courtesy of TikTok

@thehumbletribe Aunties be like #fyp #aunty #auntiesbelike #auntylife #notjoking ♬ Funny Song - Funny Song Studio & Sounds Reel


We were surprised to see how many people know about Aunty Math, "If he can hold it, he can have it."

Many aunties came to the comment section to support her. Check out their comments. 

"I don't explain myself, if you leave them with me you get what you get 😂" 

"I’m on Team Aunty. My nieces video called me with sad faces. So I Uber eatsed them pancakes" 

"Literally me. If I take them to the store, I'm like pick something... oh you want both... say less."

Image Courtesy of Pexels

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