Baby girl follows her aunt's actions as she mothers her doll

Baby girl follows her aunt's actions as she mothers her doll

Proof that kids copy what they see...

Little girl playing with her baby doll on the floor
Little girl playing with her baby doll on the floor/Pexels/@Polesie Toys

Children learn from the behaviour they are most exposed to. 

Whether they see a fellow peer doing it or an adult, it is well within a child's nature to imitate the behaviour they are exposed to. 

Sometimes it can be volatile, for instance when a child imitates violence or anger, but there are also wholesome moments to be experienced when around kids. 

We saw a positive (and funny) moment shared on TikTok involving a young toddler who was playing with a doll. 

She watched her aunt as she patted her baby's bottom while soothing her to sleep. The little girl imitated her aunt's actions with her baby doll. 

It was cute to see the little girl imitating her aunt's motherly action, but it was also hilarious to notice the force with which she patted her baby doll. Thankfully, it was just a doll

At her age, she is still learning about being gentle, so we completely accepted her mothering choices knowing full well her heart was in the right place. 

Watch the cute video below, courtesy of TikTok

@millie_ashcroft pulled her pants down and smacked her bum*🤣🤣 #funnytoddlers #toddlersoftiktok #parenthood #toddlermom ♬ original sound - Blakis Lee

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Image Courtesy of Pexels


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