Baby says 'no' to the veggies and does victory dance

Baby says 'no' to the veggies and does victory dance

This could be the cheekiest and cutest baby the internet has seen recently...

A toddler reaches for a baby food pouch
A toddler reaches for a baby food pouch/Instagram Screenshot/@pokemyheart

Kids are notoriously known for rejecting their veggies from a young age. 

And as much as we have tried to mask the taste and look of veggies over the years, somehow they always know...

How do parents get their little ones to consume their required amount of veggies then? 

This is certainly not the way. 

A video showing a little girl eager to try out her baby food was undoubtedly disappointed when she took a slurp. 

She just knew that it was not in favour with her tastebuds and casually walked over to the dustbin and threw it out!

Watch what happened below, courtesy of Instagram.

We found humour in the above video just as much as you did, but it is important to make sure that our kids are receiving a balanced diet from a young age. 

How they eat in their younger years sets a precedence for their later years and how they view food. 

Over and above setting a good example for your kids when it comes to eating veggies, it is vital to keep trying with veggies. Don't accept defeat, try different recipes, and eventually you will find the right fit. 

Tune in to the 'Workzone with Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp', weekdays from 09:00 - 12:00. Stream the show live here or download our mobile app here.

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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