This brother proves that a little help goes a long way

This brother proves that a little help goes a long way

The parents must be so proud of this heartwarming moment...

Slam dunk - brother and sister
Twitter / Human Being Bros

The world would be a much better place if we all just took the time to help one another, right?

While it is unclear where this video was shot, the sentiment remains - this is the kind of love we need to see more of in the world.


The patience and encouragement shown by this brother to help his sister achieve a goal is a special thing to see. Their joy at the end caps off a video which is rightfully receiving attention.

READ: Don't waste the last week of the school holidays

To keep the feels going, below are some of our favourite quotes about helping others:

READ: A wholesome video of family meeting for the first time

So what are you waiting for? Let's make the world a better place by doing something good for others today...

Image Credit:  Twitter / Human Being Bros

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