The cold made this woman wear a blanket to work

The cold made this woman wear a blanket to work

We are sure she is not the only office worker with a blanket at her desk...

A woman enters her office wearing a blanket
A woman enters her office wearing a blanket/TikTok Screenshot/@dipuosmomoza

If you are like many other office workers in South Africa right now, you either already have your blanket at work or have been carrying one since Winter knocked us off our feet. 

Working from the office will introduce you to several office personalities, one of which is the person who always feels cold. 

Under usual circumstances, this person would most likely complain about the air conditioner being too cold and cover the bottom half of their body with a blanket. 

It is safe to say that Winter is here, which means these office workers have escalated their behaviour. 

Now, you won't just find them covering their legs; you might find them covering their entire bodies with blankets. Complaining about the cold might increase, and you might even see them trying to smuggle in more tea and coffee breaks. 

We're not here to judge; you do what you must to stay productive. However, the comments on a video shared on social media about this community of 'blanket workers' (if we can call them that) were interesting to note.

We found it entertaining to see a woman video her co-worker who could not stand the cold and arrived at the office with her blanket. 

Check out some of the comments: 

  • "People they no longer respect office"
  • "What happened to a coat and beanie"
  • "She is me"
  • "Our boss told us to not wear ourblankets at work anymore,l😭😭like why cos there are no heaters in that place,it near the river and its so cold"
  • "I'm walking straight to work like that"
  • "I get her😂😂😭😭I also take my fleece with."

Watch the video below, courtesy of TikTok


This weather makes people to come with blankets to work 😂😂😂😂

♬ original sound - Dee24

Tune in to the 'Workzone with Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp', weekdays from 09:00 - 12:00. Stream the show live here or download our mobile app here.

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Image Courtesy of TikTok


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