Could this kid be onto a new food trend?

Could this kid be onto a new food trend?

This kid is definitely onto something here; salty and sour are classic combinations. 

A toddler making a funny face while eating
A toddler making a funny face while eating/Instagram Screenshot/@_juelz82

It is rare to find kids exploring unique flavour combinations, but it is possible. 

They say our ability to taste differs from the next person, and that's quite special if you ask us. No two people will have the same experience when tasting something. 

A little girl who was enjoying her lunch proved that kids are responsible for flavour bombs, too. 

In the video, we see a little girl take her chips and sandwich a slice of orange. 

Her parents video her and immediately start laughing when she takes a bite out of it. The young child looks at them and also starts laughing. She doesn't realise that her actions are what caused her parents' laughter

Getting kids to have positive food experiences can sometimes be tricky, not to mention challenging for some parents. Allowing kids to experience food without limitation is an essential step in raising less picky eaters

Watch the video below, courtesy of Instagram

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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