Could this woman be more crass?

Could this woman be more crass?

A woman is caught making a poo live at the cash register in a supermarket!

A woman holding her buttocks at a supermarket cash register
A woman holding her buttocks at a supermarket cash register/X Screenshot/@Carolinerathabe

We get it; toilet emergencies happen, and as much as it is not socially acceptable to talk about them, they are a reality that many people face. 

One woman was captured on video doing the most unthinkable thing in a public place: a supermarket. We buy our food from this place, so we would not expect to find faecal matter. 

This video footage doesn't just prove that some people are just vile in the way they handle toilet emergencies, but that you can never fully trust how hygienic a public place is. 

Just so you know, this video is not recommended for sensitive viewers and does have images that may be offensive. 

Video courtesy of X.

In case you missed what happened, the woman pooped while standing at the cash register packing her groceries. 

She then proceeded to kick her pooh under the cash register and went about her day as if nothing had happened. Her actions could be scarring for many. It certainly is proof that anything is possible...

We thought public toilets should be feared, but even cash register areas aren't safe.

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Image Courtesy of X


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